Girona - April 22-25, 2020
EPIPED is a 3 years cycle of independent annual training courses (2020-2022), developed specifically for child neurologists and physicians treating children with epilepsy.
Plenary interactive sessions and training modules cover different aspects of treatment strategies in children with all types of epilepsies, particularly rare and complex epilepsies.
Topics treated are related to pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, analysis of AED trials, design of clinical trials, pre-surgical evaluation, optimal choice of AEDs, review of existing guidelines (ILAE, NICE, other), ketogenic diet, neurostimulation, indications for resective and palliative surgery, pharmacological treatments other than AEDs, development of educational therapy programs.
For the training interactive modules participants are matched in groups of maximum 10 per 2-3 mentors to discuss clinical practices and design therapeutic strategies of concrete clinical cases.
Participants are offered the opportunity to also bring their own clinical cases for discussion of optimal treatment approaches.
A pre- and post-assessment allows evaluation of background and acquired knowledge.
The number of places is limited.